Friday, March 1, 2019

Weighing It Out

Welcome!!! I am so excited about taking this journey together! I think including others in our process keeps us encouraged and focused. When I started out on this journey back in June of 2018, I realized that most of my weight gain was from emotional eating. I find I have controlled eating when I am living a smooth and easy season of life. But when things get difficult and the pain of relationships enter in, then food is my friend and I usually go to it instead of God. I caught myself several times during my first weeks standing in front of the pantry or refrigerator looking for something to satisfy my pain or stress. It doesn't have to be just food. It can be that extra glass of wine or the venti caramel macchiato. 

This past summer, our women's Bible study went through a study called "Pure Love" by Beth Barone. It was perfect timing since I was taking this journey of losing the emotional weight. So much of this weight I have been carrying for years has come from rejection. If you get down to it, that's why most of us are in therapy or counseling anyway. Relationships are key to our existence and purpose. When we've been rejected in anyway, we find a way to heal that wound and in my case it's been through food. As a pastor's wife, the rejection I have faced has been great and often times back to back, which means I haven't even had time to heal from the previous rejection.

Something I learned in the "Pure Love" study, and I should have already known this, was God designed us for relationship! God only created us because He wanted a relationship with us. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit in the garden, God was the first to experience rejection. Thus rejection was introduced into what was a perfect relationship. I have a little joke, "The reason we have to make dinner and do laundry is because Adam asked 'What's for dinner.'" That might be funny, but that truly is the reason all these thousands of years later that we struggle with weight. Yes, there are genetics and DNA, but often the genetics is because it's how we saw our mother or father deal with stress and pain. And most times that's how they saw their parents or parent deal with emotional pain.

The plan of this page is for us to help each other stay on track and encouraged. Share your story of how you overcome an emotional moment and what you did. If you are struggling, write a post and let us keep you encouraged. Please feel free to share as much as you want and I ask that we keep this page private and confidential. Please do not share with others. Lets not use this either as a gossip page. I will try to post topics weekly for us to do some soul searching. As I mentioned this is going to be "faith-based." Sometimes our issue is with God and why did He let ..... happen. We may feel God has rejected us. I have to say, I have felt that way, but that is a lie and He only wants a relationship with us.

If you decide this isn't for you, no worries! Please feel free to leave the group at any time. I won't take it personal. We all process differently and sometimes it's just not time. But for those who want to take the plunge into losing the weight of unforgiveness, then let's do it! 

The first thing you need to do is set some weight loss goals. How much do you want to lose? Take an inventory of what food or drink you to turn to when your are hurting. This is very important because this is our vice. I often find myself hiding chocolate so I can use it in my emotional emergency. Get a journal. You will need to take time throughout the week to unpack some of your pain and stress. One thing you will want to do is on a separate sheet of paper as you go through the process, who or whatever you are letting go of, you will need to write it down. Pray over it by asking God to cover it and remove it from your heart. Forgive the person or situation and the most important thing is to BLESS the person! This is where I found the weight to not only come off physically, but emotionally! Tear it up and throw it away!!! This is symbolic of "letting it go." 

I look forward to the success stories as we journey together. I will be praying for you too as you search your heart. Psalm 51:10 says "Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." The gain of freedom from losing the emotional weight will be so good not only for your heart physically, but emotionally! Let's make 2019 the year of being healthy, inside and out!

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